/268///-----///https://img1.daumcdn.net/thumb/R750x0/?scode=mtistory2&fname=https%3A%2F%2Ft1.daumcdn.net%2Fcfile%2Ftistory%2F994816365B2B0DD30A///-----///아무거나///-----///2018. 6. 21. 11:34///-----///수건으로 곰인형 만들기///-----///「맙소사 엄청 귀엽잖아!」 Lay towel out flat. Fold over 1/3 of the towel from a short end. Roll each side to the center on the long sides. Turn towel over so the rolled end is underneath. Twist the end with the folded edge halfway around so the rolls on that end are on top. These are the legs. Fold over the other end across the short side and put the rolled ends on either side of the other rolls. These are..///*****///